Last Updated: December 4, 2024
Supreme Electoral Council; Det øverste valgråd; Nejvyšší volební rada; Върховен избирателен съвет; Ανώτατο Εκλογικό Συμβούλιο; Kõrgem valimisnõukogu; Oberster Wahlrat; Aukščiausioji rinkimų taryba; Augstākā vēlēšanu padome; Consiglio supremo elettorale; Vrhovno izborno povjerenstvo; Conseil électoral suprême; Hoge Kiesraad; Kunsill Ele...
Pista Juan Pablo II, 14005, Managua, Nicaragua, WEB[] EMAIL[]
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Official reason
The Supreme Electoral Council (SEC) is the body responsible for the preparation, holding and certification of the general elections of 7 November 2021, which by their lack of transparency, true opposition and democratic debate, undermined democratic institutions and processes. The SEC deprived the opposition of the opportunity to stand for free ele...
Other Information
(Date of UN designation: 2022-01-10)
Date of listing
Restrictive measures in view of the situation in Nicaragua
EU country specific
Target State
Asset freeze and prohibition to make funds available, Restrictions on admission
Sanctions Portfolio
- All assets of the listed persons and entities should be frozen. It is also prohibited to make any funds or assets directly or indirectly available to them. - Member States shall enforce travel restrictions on persons listed in the Annex of Council Decision (CFSP) 2019/1720.
Official Information
At the European Council on 21 January 2019, EU Member States condemned the muzzling of political opponents, independent media and civil society, and the use of anti-terrorist laws to repress dissenting opinions in the Republic of Nicaragua. In view of the continuing violations of human rights and civil liberties in the Republic of Nicaragua and to...
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