Last Updated: January 30, 2025

Yasr Aziz ABAS


Yasr Aziz ABBAS; Yaser Aziz ABAS; Yasser Aziz ABAS; Yaser Aziz ABBAS; ياسرعزيزعباس; Yasser Aziz ABBAS



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Official reason

Leading businessperson operating in Syria. Supports and/or benefits from the Syrian regime through business dealings, including fuel smuggling and weapons transfers. Yasser Aziz Abbas profits from facilitating oil imports on behalf of the regime and uses his relations with the regime to obtain preferential dealings and treatment.

Other Information

(Designation details: 17.2.2020)\n(Relatives/business associates/entities or partner­s/links: Bajaa Trading Services LLC, Qudrah Trading, Tafawoq Tourism Projects Company, Top Business, Yang King, Al-Aziz Group)

Date of listing


Program information




Restrictive measures against Syria


EU country specific

Target State



Asset freeze and prohibition to make funds available, Restrictions on admission

Sanctions Portfolio

- All assets of the listed persons and entities should be frozen. It is also prohibited to make any funds or assets directly or indirectly available to them. - Member States shall enforce travel restrictions on persons listed in the Annex I of Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP.

Official Information

On 27 May 2013, the Council of the EU adopted conclusions in which it condemned the violence and the continued widespread and systematic gross violations of human rights in Syria, the massacres committed by the Syrian armed forces and its militias, all instances of hostage taking of peacekeepers, and the atrocities committed by the Syrian regime. I...

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