Last Updated: January 15, 2025
ОАО "Минский автомобильный завод"; ААТ «Мінскі аўтамабільны завод»; Minskii Avtomobilnyi Zavod (MAZ); Usine automobile de Minsk; De open vennootschap op aandelen “MAZ”; Minskii Avtomobilni Zavod (MAZ); Offene Aktiengesellschaft ‚Minsk Automobile Works‘ Verwaltungsgesellschaft der Holding ‚BELAVTOMAZ‘; Veřejná akciová společnost „Minsk Aut...
Socialisticheskaya 2, 220021, Minsk, Belarus, WEB[] PHONE[+375 (17) 217-22-22; +8000 217-22-22 ]
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Official reason
OJSC Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) is one of the biggest state-owned automotive manufacturers in Belarus. Lukashenka described it as ‘one of the most important industrial enterprises of the country’. It is a source of revenue for the Lukashenka regime. OJSC MAZ has offered its premises and equipment to stage a political rally in support of the regim...
Other Information
(Date of UN designation: 2021-06-21)
Date of listing
Restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus and the involvement of Belarus in the Russian aggression against Ukraine
EU country specific
Target State
Asset freeze and prohibition to make funds available, Restrictions on admission
Sanctions Portfolio
- All assets of the listed persons and entities should be frozen. It is also prohibited to make any funds or assets directly or indirectly available to them. - Member States shall enforce travel restrictions on persons listed in the Annex of Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP.
Official Information
The EU has imposed several successive rounds of individual and sectoral sanctions, against those responsible for internal repression and human rights abuses in Belarus, and in the context of Belarus’ involvement in Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Council of the EU first adopted targeted restrictive measures against specific Belarusian officials ...
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